The End of a Relationship?

BREAKING NEWS:  Please, fellow bloggers — Check your Spam folders. It seems many comments from afflicted WordPress bloggers have been ending up there without a word of warning.


More alarmed or sad? I don’t know. This may be the end of my blogging. I am reposting this from my friend’s blog about the bizarre situation at Why the powers-that-be are destroying the very feature that makes blogging worthwhile — the ability for people to interact — I don’t know, but they are doing it. My friends and readers, if you can’t comment on my blog, this is why; and this is why I cannot comment on yours.



This morning, I was made aware of that there’s a commenting problem going around in WordPress. On March 14, they changed something in their commenting system, and this is apparently causing problems. Some people can’t comment at all. Apparently nothing happens when they try to post a comment and when they try again, they’re being told it’s a duplicate.

I found a link, where this problem is being discussed and I’ve copied one comment from Timethief — a woman who always seems to be up to snuff about what’s going on in WordPress:

«The policy change was made on March 14th. I’m not inclined to move back to self-hosting (been there done that and rejected it) based on the commenting situation as it effects both bloggers and bloggers. and Gravatar accounts are linked as Automattic owns both.

What I did is change my comment settings on this…

View original post 256 more words

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29 Responses to The End of a Relationship?

  1. reb says:

    That would be too bad …if it were to go that far.

    I never understand why they have to mess with something that’s working fine?!


    • Touch2Touch says:

      This morning already I failed to be able to post on your blog, Rebekah.

      The minute I hear the word “enhancement” — I SHUDDER. All that means is a big foulup. And this is a HUGE foulup.
      What happened to, If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?
      How it feels is that WordPress is treating me, and its other member-bloggers, as the enemy. We’re not. We’re the victims.


  2. Carol says:

    I have found that I must log in to my WordPress account to leave a comment, even though it says “fill in your details below or click an icon to log in” and my details are filled in. Very annoying, since it seems to be redundant and just an extra step. For what?


    • Touch2Touch says:

      I stay logged in to my account, and still I am blocked!
      You ask the simple question, For what? To which there seems no adequate answer (or printable answer) —
      I’m so glad you got through, Carol!


  3. magsx2 says:

    There are a lot of people complaining, but it doesn’t seem like WP is going to go back to the way it was. This all started because someone used someone else’s e-mail account and commented as the other person,


  4. John Weeren says:

    Thanks for posting this. I just found some comments in my spam folder, including some of yours. Hope this problem will be fixed soon.


  5. 2e0mca says:

    Hi Judith.. They’ll sort it out. Faith conquers all 🙂


    • Touch2Touch says:

      I’ll hang on to YOUR faith, then, if I may. I’m fresh out of my own —
      Although I did succeed in commenting on your wonderful post about night workers just a few minutes ago —
      So maybe you’re right.


  6. thirdhandart says:

    Nancy (Spirit Lights the Way), just had the same problem. She talks about it here:

    Nancy had to contact Akismet in order to get the problem fixed. To e-mail Akismet:


  7. Stef says:

    See my comment on your other blog. 😉 [But seriously, I did leave a comment there!] 🙂


  8. Mercy says:

    Hmmm.. Judy…
    As a rule at blogs run by people I didn’t personally know before they started the blog, I try not to leave my email address – I use dummy addresses when they do ask, and if they check dummy address and deny me a comment, I just don’t leave a comment even if I’m dying to make one…
    Of course at blogs of friends like you, I relax a bit and leave my address sometimes, but I know that these are being harvested behind the scenes by all sorts of marketing machines, and believe me the machines are winning in google-universe (blogger, blogspot etc. – where I have a couple of old blogs myself!!), so hang in there! WP will right itself I feel.


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Hmmmm, indeed.
      The good news and the bad news —
      The good news is that I finally got an email address that got through to a person who could do something about the problem, which turned out to be a spam problem. It looks like (fingers crossed) it is fixed for me at last.
      The bad news — I’m sure you’re right about the ultimate beneficiaries of other people’s woes.
      What will happen to my commenters who are “civilians,” not bloggers on any platform, I’m not sure. I hope you’ll continue to put yourself out there, because your comments are extraordinary.
      Love —


  9. Ah, no wonder I’ve been having problems. To think I blamed the internet connection at home 🙂 Thanks for sharing this!


    • Touch2Touch says:

      It’s a WordPress problem — that is, the problem is caused by WordPress.
      What finally seems to have done the trick for me is asking for help from the people at Akismet:
      It seems to be all about spam, and somehow getting picked out as a spammer. Good luck.


  10. pauline says:

    And to think spam used to be merely a lunch meat… is this the reason you were having trouble leaving comments on my blogger blog? Hope the geeks get it all figured out sooner rather than later… I’d surely miss your posts if you disbanded altogether!


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Non-Blogger bloggers have different problems logging in. We have to establish our identity some other way, and being non-geeky, I often have problems doing so to Blogger’s satisfaction.


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