The Buddha Speaks of Happiness —

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

The Buddha

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28 Responses to The Buddha Speaks of Happiness —

  1. karinjansky says:

    Simply wonderful and so true!
    Warmest greetings from the Perigord,


  2. pauline says:

    You are living proof of this concept.


  3. Angelia Sims says:

    The Buddha is very, very wise, but those that share his wisdom truly touch hearts. Thank you for this. It is beautiful, meaningful, and very true. 🙂


  4. 2e0mca says:

    Truth outshines all 🙂


    • Touch2Touch says:

      In a presidential election year in the US, I want to believe you, Martin — But it’s uphill work.
      Still, I will keep your words as a kind of mantra. Thank you for them.


      • pauline says:

        From Pema Chodron: The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new.


        • Touch2Touch says:

          The truth may or may not change. But our understanding of what is true certainly changes — and should do so, just because of what Pema Chodron (and many) have said.
          But how about beautiful? Is that simpler? Or does our appreciation of the beautiful, our eye for it, also change, grow, and develop?


          • 2e0mca says:

            Truth does indeed change as our understanding of our world and our place in it grows but it is still truth… not the self serving lies of greed that too often drives in our modern society.

            Hadn’t heard of Pema Chodron – I will take time to read some of the thoughts and teachings as daily life allows.


          • Touch2Touch says:

            Pema Chodron is an American Buddhist nun and master. I have long admired her immensely for the sound common sense that underlies all her teachings.
            If certain wisdom can be described as “sturdy,” that is how I would describe hers.


  5. Pauline’s words were my first thought too – that you embody this concept. Life has been a bit overwhelming and difficult lately for me too (hence my infrequent blogging) and perhaps because of this, I’ve appreciated all the more your latest couple of posts as a reminder of where and how to re-focus. Thank you for passing on that candle! I truly hope that your annus horribilis resolves itself soon into a happier state.
    All best wishes, Karen


  6. Patti Kuche says:

    Judith, thank you for so generously sharing your light and happiness. As Pascal said, we know truth, not only by reason, but also by the heart.


  7. This is one of my favorite quotes. 🙂 I try to keep it in mind when I am nearly too tired to pass a smile along. Passing it along will still leave some in me and help magnify it in others. Random acts of happiness…. pass it along.


  8. “Sturdy” wisdom – love that concept. It always feels good to fall back on good words and familiar thoughts that offer support when we need it…


    • Touch2Touch says:

      It really is so true of Pema Chodron —
      “Down-to-earth,” so that you CAN fall back on it and it will hold you up. “Sensible” is another word that’s not very glamorous, but boy, is it useful in a crisis.


  9. let’s us therefore not be miserly in the sharing of our light.


  10. eof737 says:

    Amen to that … and so true. So why is there so much selfishness in the world? and greed too? 😦


    • Touch2Touch says:

      I once heard a Dutch spiritual master, Henri Nouwen, say at a lecture: Our sin/failing/error is that we worship a god of scarcity, when our god is a god of abundance.
      It’s fear, fear there isn’t enough to go around, fear I won’t get mine — fear builds greed and selfishness.
      Looking around then, undercutting our society are these chasms of fearfulness. When will we learn? Perhaps never?


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