Same Song, Second Verse —

When I was very young, my friends and I sang a nonsense song to the tune of Cielito Lindo. It began this way:

Ai Yi Yi Yi

In China they don’t eat chili

Here comes another verse

That’s worse than the other verse

So waltz me around again, Willie!

That’s what I felt like today. Only a couple of weeks ago we had a blizzard that kept everyone indoors for 24 hours, and prompted me to make my first video. I was sure that was the worst weather of the season, but after today, I dunno. It’s poured snow and poured snowballs and spit rain and ice pellets and then went back to snow again. So here’s a replay on the video, same song, second verse — worse than the other verse!

And tomorrow is the first day of Spring. Well, you can waltz me around again, Willie!

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25 Responses to Same Song, Second Verse —

  1. Patti Kuche says:

    I admire your steady hand Judith! Happy spring (!) and hope today was better for you! We have a lovely clear evening light here now which is so at odds with the almost blizzard of this time last night . . . .


    • Touch2Touch says:

      It’s nice to know someone nice is enjoying lovely clear evening light.
      It’s dark now, so I don’t have to watch the snow. Talk about things that get old quickly! I think snow may head my list.


  2. Gemma says:

    Oh my! This is one doozy of a white out! Oooooohh. I hope your spring is as green as your winter is white. 😉


  3. snowstorm is on its way here to welcome in spring. sigh! Looking for a new song right now.


  4. Lucid Gypsy says:

    You’ve actually given me goose bumps!


  5. rebekah says:

    It’s here now! I just woke up to the sound of the snow ploughs out on the street! I love snow, but there’s a time for everything, and this is not it.


  6. I do like your ditty, Judith, being quite partial to nonsense rhymes! Here’s one for you:

    There was a small boy of Quebec
    Who was buried in snow to his neck
    When they said “Are you friz?”
    He replied “Yes I is –
    But we don’t call this cold in Quebec”

    Your snowy surrounds look quite beautiful from a happy distance, but I imagine it’s not much fun being up to your neck in it!
    Warm spring wishes to you 🙂


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Thank you, Karen, for the warm wishes. We can use them here on the second day of spring, it being 21 degrees F. this morning. Not my idea of spring, I can tell you, especially after seeing your glorious photos of Morocco.
      They may not call this cold in Quebec, but I call it cold here!

      I LOVE limericks.
      This is one of my very favorites. It has nothing to do with the current conversation, but here it is anyway (just know that the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher was a 19th century Brooklyn minister. Limerick was written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, who was not normally so frivolous):

      The Reverend Henry Ward Beecher
      called a hen a most elegant creature.
      The hen, pleased with that,
      laid an egg in his hat,
      and thus did the hen reward Beecher.


  7. Snow. It’s the new spring?


  8. Just yesterday, we got another round of snow, oh I can’t wait for Spring to actually get here.


  9. Mean looking weather! Enjoyed the limericks, Edward Lear springs to mind 🙂 Hope spring muscles its way in….


  10. 2e0mca says:

    LoL – yes… the Winter won’t go away. Expecting more this weekend 😦 We’ll see. I think we have to do our best to turn the negative of the snow into the positive of the snow – make a good image out of it 🙂


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