It’s late October. We’re past the blue and gold, and into the fallen, fading autumn leaves of ocher, beige, dull red and brown. They’re EVERYWHERE!

Autumn Leaves

On the patio:

On the Patio

Sitting on the chairs:

Patio Chairs

It’s clearly time to wrap up outdoor living for the winter, so we took advantage of hale and hearty visitors to do so. Now we’re prepared, until springtime comes around again:

A Melancholy Sight

A melancholy sight!

To solace ourselves — music. Sweet, melancholy music, the strains of Autumn Leaves, originally written as Les Feuilles Mortes by French surrealist poet Jacques Prévert. There are about as many versions of this ballad available on Youtube as there are fallen leaves on our porch. There’s Natalie Cole’s and Frank Sinatra’s and Barbra Streisand’s sophisticated rendition. There’s Edith Piaf, singing in French, with her tremolo working overtime, and the incredible French version by Yves Montand. Nobody could hold a cigarette — or a note — like he could. But I’ve chosen for you my very most favorite version. Snuggle down in a comfortable chair and let the inimitable Nat King Cole break your heart a little bit:


This entry was posted in Autumn, Loneliness, Memory, Music, Nature, Pioneer Valley, winter and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

27 Responses to AUTUMN LEAVES

  1. We are in the same leaf pile here! I just finished posting about our train trip through the Adirondacks on the Saratoga North Creek Railway and all the leaves……….Autumn is with us. Of course here in the land of Oz we do not take part in such seasons……..ha!


  2. ah Yves Montand, Edith Piaf – the music of my childhood. Louis Armstrong, Nat King Cole – so many memories. Music – blesses us like nothing else. thank you for this, fallen leaves bring a soft sadness and that’s okay.


  3. This felt good. Thanks.


  4. mybrightlife says:

    Those leaves are like a huge vitamin boost for the earth before the hard cold winter hits! Did you take the photos attached to the music Judith? They are beautiful.


    • Touch2Touch says:

      What a wonderful analogy! I’ll never look at the leaves the same way again.
      No, I didn’t take those photos, although they are quintessentially New England. They’re so beautiful, it’s one of the things (besides the velvet voice) that swayed me to the Nat King Cole version.


  5. Oh the memories that song evoked! «Soft sadness» was well expressed.

    Most of our leaves are gone now … the wind, the rain! A system moved in and parked itself here.

    Loved the photos!


  6. Patti Kuche says:

    Nature’s confetti for pretty and natural compost for practical!


  7. pix & kardz says:

    lots of fallen (and falling) leaves here too. however i always take comfort in the fact that for every leaf that has fallen, another of next year’s buds is exposed. spring will not be stopped! 🙂


  8. Looks like fall’s fell!


  9. Karen says:

    My yard looks very similar here in New Hampshire…lots of raking and mulching before the snow comes.


  10. Jen Payne says:

    Perhaps the winter will be kind to us this year. Cold enough for happy inside days, but not so stormy that we cannot make our way out of doors if we so choose? One can only hope. Meanwhile, there is always Nat.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. 2e0mca says:

    I love the sense of death and rebirth epitomitomised by fallen leaves. Great choice of music…I quite like Andy Williams with Jose Feliciano on this one. Eric Clapton’s version is good too! 🙂


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