Don’t Just Do Something—

Sit there!

Advice my therapist long ago finally instilled into me, who was inclined to behave, especially in times of crisis, like Canadian humorist Stephen Leacock‘s hero, who flung himself out of the door, flung himself on his horse, and rode madly off in all directions.

We live in an age of hurry-up, of 24/7 for every activity imaginable, of being connected constantly. Email isn’t fast enough, we need instant chat. I want it — now! Whatever it is. Now!

But not everyone, and not always. Here is a story for you, told by traveler and writer Bruce Chatwin:

A white explorer in Africa, anxious to press ahead with his journey, paid his porters for a series of forced marches. But they, almost within reach of their destination, set down their bundles and refused to budge. No amount of extra payment would convince them otherwise. They said they had to wait for their souls to catch up.

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13 Responses to Don’t Just Do Something—

  1. pauline says:

    Oh exactly! I do not like to hurry – and now I know why. My soul can’t catch up! What a precise and visible way to put it!


  2. Kattsby says:

    Today, my soul has totally caught up with my body. I’ve been on the couch all day.


  3. Stef says:

    This week I have felt rushed, rushed, rushed… and it has left me physically shaking.

    I love the idea of having my soul stay with me as I move in my day; and yes, that usually requires slowing down.

    As a wise singer/songwriter once explained, “Slow down, you move too fast…” 😉


  4. What a great story by Bruce Chatwin! A treasure for us all to remember.

    I really enjoy having one day a week with my daughters when there is nothing to do but just spend time together doing nothing. It is refreshing and always very rewarding.


  5. Monique D. Magee says:

    Great story!
    And, I must add… feeling groovy, dah dah dah dah dah dah, feeling groovey.


  6. giulas41 says:

    Awesome!!! I guess i should wait for my soul too… It will probably take a lot of time for it to catch up!!!


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