It’s September —

It doesn’t look like it at our favorite farm stand, but autumn is at our throats —

No-Lady Irene blew in and out and in our immediate neighborhood left none of the devastation she did in Connecticut and New York State and Vermont, so it would be easy for us to assume that easeful summer still surrounds us. But it doesn’t. The big yellow school buses are on the move; it’s cool, almost chilly when we wake in the mornings; the light cuts across the windows at a different angle especially in the afternoon —

Yes, it’s September. And to welcome a month of harvest and abundance, this poem by Linda Paston:


it rained in my sleep
and in the morning the fields were wet

I dreamed of artillery
of the thunder of horses

in the morning the fields were strewn
with twigs and leaves

as if after a battle
or a sudden journey

I went to sleep in the summer
I dreamed of rain

in the morning the fields were wet
and it was autumn

“September” by Linda Pastan, from Carnival Evening: New and Selected Poems 1968-1998. Ā© W.W. Norton & Company, 2009.

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16 Responses to It’s September —

  1. Rebekah says:

    Yes! It has arrived and I’m happy! The air is easier to breathe, especially at night. The blazing light of the setting sun comes in to our apartment much later and only stays about an hour.

    That was a beautifully written poem!


  2. Richard Hauser says:

    During the several day period that Irene whirled slowly up the East coast, we followed its progress with some concern. The Weather Channel told us at various times that the storm surge on the North Shore of Long island would be less than a foot, two feet, three feet, seven feet and nine feet. We picked three feet. Since we couldn’t agree about what a storm surge was, we thought that three feet was a pretty good compromise. Joan was sure that it meant that the water would come three feet further up on the beach. I was pretty sure it had to do with the depth of the water at high tide. Since Joan’s answer was less threatening, so we chose it. Then, of course, there was the oft asked but unanswered question woud it be a category 1, 2, or 3 hurricane, or a tropical storm. We wondered why this mattered. We picked a category 2 hurricane. Tropical storm was probably a saner choice, but we didn’t want to look cowardly. Then we got the phone call telling us that the Village was under a voluntary evacuation order. A few days before my daughter had told me that the seventies were the new forties. We asked ourselves what a forty year old would do, and decided not to leave. We did move a few chairs off the beach. We left a few that we hoped would be gone after the storm surge of three feet from a category two hurricane. I also put a few home-made sandbags at the high tide line in front of our house. I figured that if the water came up the sandbags would deflect it toward either or both of my neighbors. Pretty clever, eh? It’s over now. We had minor damage to our dock which wanted to float away, but managed only to come apart. It’s not a great concern since I’m sure we can find someone very expensive to fix it. Other than that there was no physical damage. There was some damage to our psyches. Imagine spending last Saturday night worrying about drowning in bed,. Since hurricanes or tropical storms become less likely as the air and the water cool, I, too, am glad it’s September.


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Dick, very glad both of us are smiling in our respective states’ sunshine this a.m. to laugh about it!
      If I gave awards, I’d give yours the one for the funniest account of Irene. LOVE your and Joan’s cooperative approach to fact-finding!!!!!! I visualize you guys picking the Trifecta —

      Only teeny cloud on the horizon: hurricane season’s just unfolding (despite today’s cooler air and water!) and won’t end till after my birthday. (You have to remember when that is to know when you’re safe šŸ™‚


  3. Stef says:

    Just yesterday my colleagues and I had a lunch conversation about the changing of seasons -what fortuitous timing. Our general consensus: We like the variety, and are embracing fall. šŸ™‚


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Fall is alluring to embrace, dressed in her golds and scarlet, and offering a harvest of delicious goodies to eat!
      For most of my life “New Year’s Day” was Labor Day — more than the changing of the seasons even, my inward calendar revolved around Back to School —-


  4. 2e0mca says:

    Great choice of poem – it’s amazing how the move to Autumn seems to bring a sudden change in the weather. It was definitely colder in North London this morning than it was yesterday but now we have a gloriously sunny day! From your harvest photo it looks like the maize has done well. Glad you avoided the worst of the Hurricane. Now, in England, we look forward to Keats’ season of mists and mellow fruitfulness šŸ˜‰


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Hey, Martin! Yes, the corn has been excellent this summer. (Somebody famously said, We are divided by a common language.)
      That line of Keats’, season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, is one of my absolute favorites in the literature. There’s something so sensuous about the sound of it, so suited to its meaning, LOVE IT. Thanks for reminding me. Our Pioneer Valley is very strong on the mellow and the fruitfulness. Less so on the mists — which can be unpleasant rather than mist-erious šŸ™‚
      Enjoy this wonderful season.


  5. I’m always surprised by how quickly fall creeps up on us. The summer is always fun and carefree but seems to wind down far too fast, and before you know it, that autumn chill has already arrived! It’s kind of a weird feeling.


    P.S. And, in response to your comment on my 1960s trendspotting post, I wouldn’t say that “short short short” is really in this fall. Yes, the miniskirt did make its debut in the sixties, but for this season, the tailored ladylike styles of the 60s (Ć  la Jackie O) are more in style….so conservative lengths for skirts and dresses are totally in, and always classic.


  6. Pauline says:

    Spring has sprung,
    Fall has fell,
    Winter’s here (almost)
    And it’s colder than… usual

    I love this time of year – the transition time. There’s still the heat of summer but it’s tempered with chilly early morning mists and cool evenings. The gaudy colors of summer are giving way to taupes and browns and buff. The harsh voices of crows and jays replace those of the songbirds who are, as an old friend used to say, bunching now. The only thing I dislike about this time of year is the retreat of the light. On my extensive bucket list is a year following the light around the country – wouldn’t that be fun? Meanwhile, I’ll bask in every bit of Indian Summer I can find šŸ™‚


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Love your descriptions. I too dislike intensely the retreat of the light —
      But although in the Southwest, for instance, darkness never comes as early as here — it’s also true that light never at any season lasts as long as here either —
      What is that English saying, What you gain on the swings you lose on the roundabouts. Or something in that price range —


  7. Karen says:

    Our leaves are just starting to get a little color, the apples are just about ready to be picked and a quilt is on the bed. Our beautiful fall is just around the corner.


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