Guess Where I Went Today?

Clue #1: Somewhere that, when I was a little kid, was considered something like a Little Shop of Horrors. These days — well, things have changed. Here’s the sign that greeted me:


Clue #2: When I was leaving, this is what I received, kind of like Trick-or-Treat for Hallowe’en without any need to wear a costume. Young or old, everybody likes a goodie bag when they leave the party!

Dentist's Trick or Treat

Of course you’ve guessed already where I was. And if you’re young enough, you’re probably wondering what I’m making such a big fuss about. Well, kids, you really should be thanking your lucky stars for quick-acting novocaine and high-speed water-cooled drills and all the improvements in the world of dentistry that have turned yesteryear’s horror into today’s ho-hum. The good old days weren’t always so good!

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26 Responses to Guess Where I Went Today?

  1. first time I went to the dentist he hit me for screaming when he tried to pull a tooth – the freezing hadn’t taken!


  2. Good choice of password 🙂


  3. Jen Payne says:

    The goody bag is my favorite part! Happy flossing! : )


  4. and yet, I was fearless as a youth> Now even the sound of the high speed cleaner sends me into paroxysms.


  5. Patti Kuche says:

    This is not about me, I keep telling myself (so much recent dentist drama I could devote a separate blog to the subject) . . . .. So happy for you Judith that you enjoyed a pleasant experience at the dentist, and yes, it is now so much better than once upon a time!


  6. Appointment on the 23rd! Thanks for the reminder. UGH!
    Novocaine my be a great invention, but I hate Hate HATE going anyway!


  7. Pauline says:

    Those of us of a certain age have horror stories of their days in the dentist’s chair. I am missing 4 teeth, all pulled with a minimum of novocaine, and all unnecessarily, according to my current dentist!


  8. 2e0mca says:

    I still have issues going to the dentist – abused by a semi-bald bully at the local clinic where all us school children were sent in the 1960’s by the national health service. Drill everything just for the fun of it was his modus operandi (with a very slow band drill). Nowaday’s he’d have been struck off! I’m lucky to have an understanding dentist now and I’m finally going regularly after years when I just couldn’t face them… but I still have issues about it and she has to be very patient 😦


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Not to be sexist — but in my experience women dentists have a VERY light and gentle touch.
      My childhood dentist — a type like yours — was a cousin, so there was no choice where we would go. And like you, I was left with issues for years, until we went to my husband’s dentist, his since childhood, and gradually I got over it. He too was very patient.


  9. mybrightlife says:

    I remember hours spent in the chair as a kid with all number of strange bits and pieces sticking in and out of my mouth and discomfort and pain. Nowdays my kids are booked into the theatre and go under general to have things sorted out. Dentists don’t do kids the way they used to and kids certainly don’t ‘do’ dentists anymore. Times have changed indeed. For the better or worse, I can’t decide, but in all honesty I would rather not have my girls go through the chair sessions that I went through in th the old days,even if it made us ‘tough’ and ‘build character’! Did you climb the stairs Judith?


    • Touch2Touch says:

      It definitely is better for your girls! I’m sure they have quite enough character as it is.
      As for the stairs, I did NOT. I went up in the elevator, clinging to my husband! And down, the same way. That’s a lot of stress for one visit. But still not like the bad old days! 😉


  10. My kids just learned they are too old to continue going to their pediatric dentist. I think I was the most disappointed out of all of us. Since they were tiny, they have loved going to see Dr. Sosa. They get excited about upcoming visits. Oh, I wish it were such a treat for all of us! Maybe her secret was the flavored gloves the kids get to choose for her to wear???


    • Touch2Touch says:

      What a fantastic idea! I never heard of this, but instantly realize how appealing that would be! (Wonder if bubble gum was one of the flavors —)
      I think it’s easier now to find a really good dentist with a light touch than it used to be — fortunately!
      Good luck in your search.


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