Redemption at the Mall —

Or perhaps I mean Inspiration at the Mall?

Hadn’t picked up my camera in ages, had no ideas, nothing lit up or intrigued me, everything was down down down for me in the world of photography. And then I remembered a piece of advice I’d found somewhere in Blogland: when nothing is working for you, ย just pick up your camera and start shooting. It doesn’t matter what, no need to think, just point and shoot! And so I did. A hunter, hunting for unknown game —

The first few, like waffles, were really worthless and I threw them out. But then, sure enough, fresh new things began clicking (redemption!) and here’s a sample of what I found when I uploaded my hunter’s bag:

Giant size Stars and Stripes reign over the three story atrium at the Holyoke Mall —

Is this simply a bench? Or is that a flying saucer hovering?

It’s possible that it’s the saucer, just as it’s possible these aren’t really mannequins at H&M, but aliens biding their time!

Then again, these glitter shoes are reassuringly “normal” mall merchandise. (I adore glitz, although I couldn’t walk two steps in these with my difficult feet!)

Even if these girls actually come from outer space, they’re cheerful and smiling about it! Definitely shopping-friendly —

What could be more appealing and inspiring than the prospect of shopping at Icky, Sticky & Goo?

And how do you primeย your pump?

(By sheer serendipity, next time I looked at Christine Bailey’s nifty blog I found that she’d been in the same doldrums, and had gone seeking inspiration her way,ย Fishing for Fresh Ideas. Christine, this post’s for you!)

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37 Responses to Redemption at the Mall —

  1. magsx2 says:

    I love your random photos. ๐Ÿ™‚
    The mannequins do indeed look like aliens, and what an intriguing name for a shop, Icky, Sticky and Goo, what on earth do they sell in their?. ๐Ÿ˜€


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Would you believe, I didn’t go in to the shop? Or even look into the window closer — Too busy shooting photos!
      But since we go to the mall fairly often (we both do One-to-One sessions at the Apple Store) I plan to find out next time, along with what they sell at Crazy 8’s (photo unposted) —
      Thanks very much for the visit and the comment —


  2. Gemma says:

    Rut! Ahhhhhh! I’m glad you found your inspiration. Love the spaceship. So simple, yet, photogenic ๐Ÿ™‚ Can a bench/spaceship be photogenic? You know what I mean. I need to get in the car, head SOMEWHERE, and start pointing and shooting. Doldrums be gone!


  3. Christine says:

    Thank you so much for the shout-out – you’re the best :). Someday I want to shop at a place called Icky, Sticky and Goo!

    Here’s to continued inspiration for you!


  4. thirdhandart says:

    Your ‘hunterโ€™s bag’ was full of some goodies. I love the shoes, but I couldn’t walk two steps in them either… I’m a complete klutz.


  5. Rebekah says:

    Loved the hovering space ship/bench, but also the first one! My niece used to work as a nanny for the H&M owner’s kids. How about that for useless information ๐Ÿ˜†

    Perhaps when I was twenty, I’d been interested in shoes like that… like another life!


  6. Richard Hauser says:

    I can’t help but wonder what kind of market research resulted in the name Icky, Sticky, and Goo


    • Touch2Touch says:

      An interesting question.
      One thing is for certain: they sell NOT ONE THING that is useful.
      I’m going to check it out, if they don’t bankrupt before I next get to the mall —


  7. mybrightlife says:

    Icky, sticky Goo! Seven year old’s heaven – Mom’s hell! But the beautiful, stylish flying saucer…. Mom’s heaven. Very inspiring blog advise. Thanks.


  8. Interesting way to seek inspiration! I like it. The first photo is awesome, by the way. I really love the composition.



    • Touch2Touch says:

      Thanks much, Halie.
      It was the first shot of the day for me, and so the most “random”. But I loved the way it turned out also — I think you and I share a taste for somewhat abstract composition and architecture.


  9. these lovely colourful images prove the point, don’t they? get out there and shoot. You never know what your eye will spy. maybe even aliens!!


  10. Carolina says:

    Hi Judith, great post and great pictures. I especially love the first one….and of course the question: “And how do you prime your pump?”, a great one…. thank you!


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Thanks, Carolina. I think the camera is turning out to do a great job for you in pump priming!


      • Carolina says:

        just out of curiosity….did anyone answer that great question?


        • Touch2Touch says:

          Nope, the closest was various repetitions of Just get out there and shoot!

          But you probably knew that already —


          • Carolina says:

            it would be interesting to know what everybody else does in those moments…I find it helpful to concentrate on whatever is under my nose….can I take a picture of the dirty sink? Can I take a picture of the pile of dog hair in the corner of the staircase? And what is that picture going to look like and say? Or maybe a puddle?… somehow concentrating on small small things seems in those moments less overwhelming…does it make any sense? much love


          • Touch2Touch says:

            This time around at the mall I truly didn’t think about what the picture might look like, nor what it would say, or anything at all — I left ALL of that aside, I literally took the camera and just pointed it at random around the mall and whatever got framed I took. In a sense I didn’t even see anything I shot, I waited to look at it when I got home. That way it was really fun, because it surprised ME. Of course a mall is a good place for that. I’ve done it around the back lawn, with mixed results — but results aren’t what it’s about really. It’s the energy the process creates —–
            Does that make any sense? Hope so! Love back atcha, C —


          • Carolina says:

            it makes a ton of sense…thank you!


  11. 2e0mca says:

    One of my first serious photography books was ‘The Amateur Photographers Handbook’ by Aaron Sussman. Amongst all the detailed technical guidance were some gems about photographic subjects, composition, etc. And a short section, well illustrated, entitled ‘Where there are no Pictures’ – which showed that there is always something to photograph! Looks like you just discovered that anew! More power to your elbow ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Thanks much, Martin. It really was a rejuvenating session for me —
      Do you still use the Sussman book?
      Oh, and I love that phrase —- more power to your elbow! ๐Ÿ˜†


      • 2e0mca says:

        I’ve actually loaned it to a friend who is just starting out in photography with the advice to ignore the technical bits and read the photographic subject guidance as he will be using a digital camera and not taking over the bathroom to commune with the demons within – ie developing and printing film ๐Ÿ˜‰


        • Touch2Touch says:

          Ah, the lurid red demonic light of the darkroom is fast passing away —
          I never had one (darkroom, not necessarily demons), so I’m not nostalgic about them, although I know many who are. I love the freedom of digital.
          I’ll check out amazon and some info on the Sussman book. Technical isn’t my thing anyway, and the subject stuff would appeal much more to me. Thanks —


          • 2e0mca says:

            It’s a very heavy book with lots of technical. You may prefer something less based on the theory of all things but concentrating more on the art of photography – after all, you aren’t likely to be setting up a dark room. If you can get it cheap then buy it otherwise look for other options.


          • Touch2Touch says:

            A penny is pretty cheap, I figure. There’s $3.99 shipping — but it’s still pretty cheap.
            If I get just one idea —- like when I buy a cookbook I figure if I get one recipe — it’ll be worth it.


  12. Oooh I have a feeling I would love shopping at Icky, Sticky and Goo ๐Ÿ™‚ Lovely photos!


    • Touch2Touch says:

      I was carrying too much today to go wandering off and explore —
      But next week I’ll be sure to get in there and check out the merchandise.
      Thanks for the visit and comment!


  13. Stef says:

    I love the juxtaposition of the hovering saucer/bench and the alien mannequins. Wonderful!

    But why such distaste for waffles? Are you more of a pancake gal? ๐Ÿ˜‰


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Au contraire, ma chรฉrie, j’adore les gaufrettes! Just too fattening for me these days —
      As for the throwing away, back in the long ago when my mother made waffles in a hand press, she always found the first few needed to be tossed (or consumed in the kitchen) — they were too sticky, or overcooked, they just didn’t come out right until the pan was “seasoned” after the first couple.
      On the rare occasions that I make crepes, I find the same thing, they stick or tear or overcook until I get the pan just right and the rhythm going.
      Another reason (besides fattening) that I don’t make them so often? ๐Ÿ™‚


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