Hearts and Flowers —

WordPress runs a photography challenge on provocative themes that change weekly. This week’s is INSIDE. It’s always interesting to see how many ingenious and fascinating different ways there are of interpreting a single word. Usually I post my own responses on sister blog A View from the Woods  (just one of several photos I’m using this week).

While I was playing with Inside thoughts (ouch!) my mind kept turning to flowers, to the phrase Hearts and Flowers, thence to hearts of flowers. To peer inside the gorgeousness of a flower, into its very heart — here are a few to share on a rainy morning.*

The Heart of a Tulip

The tulip was in our garden this spring, the marigold is in a container on the patio. The last, the heart of an amaryllis, is my personal favorite, snapped at this spring’s Flower Show at Mount Holyoke College:

Mount Holyoke’s spring flower show is always early. There might still be patches of snow lingering in shady corners. The beauty of these flowers comes as a special joy after a dark and cold season —

*(But I can testify to you that after weeks and weeks of drought, this morning’s rains were also a beautiful sight!)

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21 Responses to Hearts and Flowers —

  1. Love the connection!


  2. pauline says:

    Those gorgeous flower hearts just let us see your own heart – and that’s beautiful, too!


  3. mybrightlife says:

    A flowering heart.


  4. I always enjoy looking at flowers. You sure did get to the heart of ‘inside’. Very nice shots.


  5. ristinw says:

    So beautiful! ^^


  6. cocomino says:

    How beautiful. There are also marigolds in my garden. It’s time to bloom and enjoy them. 🙂


  7. suitablefish says:

    nice connection and take on the challenge, and beautiful pics!


  8. Patti Kuche says:

    Lovely to think of the rain at heart of these touching pictures!


  9. reb says:

    Beautiful flowers and beautiful thoughts. I jumped this week’s challenge … first time in ages. Oh well, it’s only Tuesday, we’ll see.


  10. Angelia Sims says:

    Gorgeous! I love flowers inside and out. They have such delicate beauty. Amazing photos.


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