A Cherry Hung with Snow…

Simply trust,

Simply trust!

Cherry blossoms in bloom

                Japanese haiku poet Kobayashi Issa

Cherry Blossoms

It’s Japanese practice (as I understand it) to display each seasonal decoration, like this cherry blossom bonsai, a little in advance of the actual season. Perhaps to encourage the season? Or to reassure us that it will definitely come?

At any rate, it’s in that spirit that this morning I put out my cherry blossom bonsai, in the teeth of the latest weather bureau prediction for a substantial snowstorm the day after tomorrow.

I look at it this way: Issa’s haiku emboldens us to trust, simply trust! that spring really will arrive. Eventually. But just in case, here’s another haiku I found on the Internet. It’s a Western haiku, by someone named Shellie, and where Issa’s haiku is hopeful, this one is realistic:

In Japan they say,

Cherry blossoms mean it’s spring

But it’s not spring here.

You said it, Shellie!

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31 Responses to A Cherry Hung with Snow…

  1. Hope your Cherry Blossoms bring on the Spring…………we are ready for some blossoms and warm evenings!


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Has it been cold where you are TOO???????
      And did you get over the flu, or whatever indisposition that was? I hope so! Because sooner or later, we shall be warm again!!!!


  2. xties says:

    In New Zealand, it’s autumn (you’d call it fall), and we’re currently enjoying a sequence of sunny days to shame what has been a somewhat lacklustre (yes, that’s how we spell it) summer. Your cherry blossom bonsai is inspiring, nevertheless. Be well … be warm.


    • Touch2Touch says:

      However we spell it, our winter, like your summer, was— lacklustre/luster. Or worse. Hmm. Worse.
      I very much appreciate your warm wishes, Stefan! And return mine, in case they’ll be useful as your winter approaches.
      (Autumn/fall is probably my favorite time of year, so enjoy!)


  3. Neither is it here. Brrrr…
    But don’t believe those meteorologists. I wish I was allowed to make as many mistakes and not get my butt fired. Excuse my French!


  4. Yes, we’ll brace for the last [?] snowstorm on Wednesday/Thursday … tomorrow; only flurries!

    What a gorgeous picture!!!


  5. mybrightlife says:

    What a beautiful tree!


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Something to lift our spirits after the longest winter (actually, not over yet).
      You’re heading into your winter — but I don’t think it will involve snow, will it?????


      • mybrightlife says:

        No snow by the coast but three hours away in the Amatole Mountains it snows every winter. The way the weather is changing around here, I wouldn’t be surprised if it does snow one of these winters! I am a fair weather person!


        • Touch2Touch says:

          Oh yes, me too! A fair weather person!
          Too bad there’s so little opportunity to experience it around here these days — What a winter we’ve had.
          I wish you continued fair skies and lots of sunshine!


  6. That’s one gorgeous bonsai to bring in anticipatory hope. Whispers of autumn creep in here, love it when there’s turn in the seasons, specially on the cusp. Hope your spring isn’t too delayed in arriving.


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Oh, I hope i hope i hope i hope —
      Usually we call spring “mud season” around here, but this year we’ll even welcome that!
      Early autumn is wonderful, enjoy yours!


  7. cocomino says:

    Glad to know that you like cherry blossoms, bonsai and haiku. 🙂 I also like Japanese each season.


  8. 2me4art says:

    Wow! That tree is stunning! ~amy


  9. Jen Payne says:

    Shelly had a dry sense of humor. So does Mother Nature I think. (Love the photo!)


  10. Madhu says:

    The Japanese Haiku is beautiful, as is the bonsai. But I do prefer Shellie’s for its dose of reality 🙂 I think having such distinct seasons makes one appreciate them more – the arrival of spring most of all – a pleasure denied us tropical creatures. We just have “Hot, Hotter & Hell’ to borrow my husband’s description of weather in Chennai! Hope winter is well and truly out the door by now Judith 🙂


    • Touch2Touch says:

      Thanks very much for the visit and the “cold comfort” wishes, Madhu. Alas, the next snowstorm is predicted for Tuesday night into Wednesday.
      The first day of spring here was Thursday, March 20th. If I knew Mother Nature’s email, I would REMIND her.
      So Hot, Hotter & Hell has a different ring for us at the moment!
      It’s true, though, we can always just put on an extra sweater. What do you have to do to stay cool(er)?


      • Madhu says:

        Wear minimal clothing and hide in darkened, air conditioned rooms during the worst part of the day while consuming gallons of fluids. And shower several times a day of course!


        • Touch2Touch says:

          Which might or might not work?
          I still remember as a child visiting Houston Texas in the summer. Hottest, most humid place I’d ever been in. The memory is of lying across a bed in a darkened room (it was before air conditioning) dripping with sweat and more miserable than I ever remembered being in my young life.
          I wonder how I would manage in Chennai? Of course these days there is air conditioning, and that certainly makes a difference.


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